
How did it all start?


This site is born of my desire to share the wonders of the Isle-of-Sheppey with the world. I have lived on the island all of my life and count myself lucky to be among its many residents. I have always loved living here and despite what the press might have you think, it is a nice place to be.


My name is Brian and some time ago, I registered this domain, with the intention of making a site about the island, but due to lack of ideas, it sat with a holding page for several years and I finally let the domain expire.


Back in 2012 my Dad passed away, he had lived on the island since around the age of two, meaning my family has been on the island since 1932. He owned a small collection of old postcards of Sheppey that he had collected, mainly from flee markets and the like. I have many a fond memory of helping look through a box of postcards on a market stall when on holiday, in the hope of stumbling on a postcard of Sheppey. After my Dad passed, I grew more interested in the history of the island and started tracing my family tree and joining Internet groups about Sheppey’s past.


It was a chat with a work colleague that finally gave me the reason to start this site, as we were talking about eBay, of all things and he mentioned that he liked to search for his home town and finds lots of artefacts and even more postcards. This triggered a memory of my Dad’s collection of postcards and I asked my Mum if she could dig them out, which she did. I decided to use this small collection as a starting point, build a website around it and also continue to build his collection myself. At this point, I re-registered the domain, which was still available and started work. My daughter Dianne (aged 12 at the time of the launch in 2023), who loves art and design, designed my logo for me.


Any postcards shown are ones that I own and have been scanned from the physical card. I have also taken many pictures of the island over the years and will share more of these in the photos section, as I dig them out and will continue to build the site. I work on this site in my spare time, so it will build up slowly over time, but please bookmark me and pop back from time to time. Feel free to leave me a comment as well and if you ever come across a load of cards of Sheppey that are being thrown out, please let me know and I will happily take them off your hands and add them to this site.


Thank-you for visiting and I look forward to seeing you again soon.